Nobuyoshi Araki - The Works of Nobuyoshi Araki (complete collection) - 1996 - Published by Heibonsha - about 250 pages per book - 15,1 x 22,5 cm
20 volumes + 1 limited book + a second copy of the first volume signed:
1 Naked Faces
2 Bodyscapes
3 Yoko
4 New York
5 Chrysalis
6 Tokyo Novel
7 Sentimental Travelogue
8 Private Diary 1980-1995
9 Private Diary 1999
10 Chiro, Araki and 2 lovers
11 In Ruins
12 Dramatic Shooting and Fake Reportage
13 Xeroxed Photo Albums
14 Obscenities and Strange Black Ink Stories
15 Death: Elegy
16 Erotos
17 Sensual Flowers
18 Bondage
19 A's Lovers
20 Sentimental May
Limited Edition: Satchin and His Brother Mabo
First edition. Softcover photobook. In good condition.